Meditation is an important part of the curriculum in the yoga teacher training in rishikesh. Some people believe that the asanas that you see are more of a superficial side of yoga. If you are not united with your mind and soul, you cannot become a successful yogi. That is why it is important to give adequate time and attention to meditation practice, in the realm of yoga.
So, What Is Meditation Exactly?
According to7 chakras yoga school, meditation is the act of spending time with yourself. We are so busy with our lives today, as we are constantly chasing targets. No one has time for the other, let alone oneself. People are chasing houses, cars, holidays, and money. Many people associate meditation with stopping all activities, including thoughts. But that is not what real meditation is all about. You must allow the thoughts to flow freely through the mind. That is considered as true meditation. You can learn it in the yoga teacher training in rishikesh.
Meditation is one of the main parts of yoga, which you can do at any time and anywhere. Moreover, you can learn it quite easily, under guidance, with some basic steps and knowledge.
The more you will do it, the more you will be in sync with your inner self. After you have done meditation for a while, you can quickly realize the benefits. It can start showing its effects in about 10 days.
Meditation trains the mind to see everything, but not react. You can observe everything from a distance. In the course of meditation, it is also important for you to breathe properly. Breath awareness is extremely important when you are doing meditation. It allows the energy or ‘Prana’ to flow through properly.
How Does Meditation Help According To The Yoga Teacher Training In Rishikesh
Life is stressful today. You will face lots of challenges, in the course of your daily life. You cannot really control everything that goes on around you.
However, you have the power to manifest the best. But for that to take place, you have to understand your sub-conscious mind. You can do so, by practicing meditation under trained experts.
Meditation will open up all your senses. So, you will be able to see who you really are, and what you really want from life. When things become clear, the pathways emerge on their own. Meditation is all about slowing down.
Steps To Start Meditation
- After you have completed the yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, you need to remain consistent in your practice. You do not need to meditate every day. Doing it just twice or thrice a week also yields results. The more you practice meditation, the more benefits you will feel. If you practice consistently, then you will experience a reduction in stress and tension.
- There is no fixed time to meditate. You can do it, at any time. You can begin your day with yoga meditation. It will give a nice start to the day. Mornings are mostly distraction-free, and there is less pollution. So, you can ideally meditate outside in the garden or on the roof.
- You can choose comfortable attire while meditating. It helps to build the ambiance. Your mind will also be free. The back should be straight, while you meditate. You can also sit on your couch, to meditate. Or else, you can lay a yoga mat on the floor, and sit on it in cross-legged position. Close your eyes and relax. Light music in the background helps in developing focus.
- Guided meditation is extremely beneficial if you are a beginner. You can learn the same in the yoga teacher training in rishikesh. The teacher at the school will explain every step as you navigate from one stage to another. You will also be motivated, while you meditate. The experts know exactly, how to calm the mind. Once you are familiar with the steps, you can meditate alone.
Does The Mind Wander?
Now, this is a question that all beginners have. Minds will wander. So, you need not be too worried about that. You must ensure to return back to where you were, all the time. You should leave the distractive thoughts and return each time. This puts the mind into practice. Moreover, you may feel sudden jolts of emotion, as you meditate. Keep going, and do not stop them. You are in the process of releasing the redundant from your life.
Start counting your breaths, and see how the pattern is. It will train your mind, to find the best approach. Challenges will be there at every stop. However, you have to keep going.
Finally, Which One To Choose?
As a part of the yoga teacher training in rishikesh, you will study various types of meditation. Mindfulness meditation is one of them. It helps you to focus on the present. Learn it in the best possible manner today at7 chakras yoga school.
You can also learn mantra meditation. It is a unique way to recite mantras while focusing. Your inherent powers will increase manifold. Join the best school to harness the power within.